
2022-07-29 19:25:46 By : Mr. surest chan

INGLESIDE — It seems like some local teddy bears have been having a bit of a rough go of things lately. Some of us can relate, as COVID-19 seems to be lingering, now in its seventh powerful wave.

Thank goodness South Stormont hosted its Teddy Bear Picnic on Wednesday at the Ingleside Community Park, where teddies got the attention they needed.

About 50 children were registered for the $2 afternoon event which saw clear sunny skies. One attendee, Emma B., said her teddy falls out of her bed every night when she jumps in it for the evening. Others described different mishaps that have befallen their plush pals, like tripping and falling down the stairs.

A nurses’ station was set up, where kids could use stethoscopes to listen for anything unusual happening to their teddies, and give them a bandage if necessary. Here they also had the opportunity to chat with some others attendees in the same situation, about their teddy, or anything that came to mind.

Another station saw kids throwing their teddies onto a parachute where they would then catapult them into the air together, perhaps to reinvigorate the teddy’s spirits after the workover at the nurses’ station. A game station nearby offered a host of other activities, including a bear decoration craft.

“It’s a good turnout… there has been a good turnout at all of the (South Stormont summer activities), with at least 20 at each so far,” said South Stormont summer student co-ordinator Addison Girard.

About halfway through its summer programming now, there are still about 17 activities the municipality is hosting for its young residents until the end of August. Upcoming opportunities include a Princess Tea Party, Dino Day, Amazing Race, and more.

For more information, visit the Township of South Stormont’s website.

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