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A beautiful species of crab was recently discovered in Australia and its pictures may leave you fascinated. The reason is that the crustacean looks less like a crab and more like a squeezable stuffed toy.
WA (Western Australian) Museum Boola Bardip shared about the crab on their official Facebook page. They also posted a descriptive caption that explains how the creature was named after Charles Darwin’s research boat.
“Lamarckdromia beagle is a southwest endemic crab named after the HMS Beagle, a vessel that carried Charles Darwin to Albany in 1836. This species belongs to the Dromiidae or sponge crab family, and like other members will turn a living sponge into a portable shelter to protect it from predators such as octopus and fish. The dense, shaggy hair on the crab’s carapace is actually quite soft and fluffy, however, its function is not clear. It’s possible it helps obscure the outline of the crab’s legs as a form of camouflage, as they aren’t covered by the sponge,” they posted.
Dr Andrew Hosie, curator of crustacea and worms in Western Australian Museum, shared that the crabs carry around a piece of living sponge, reports ABC News. He also shared that the creature uses its hind legs to put the sponge above its head like a hat.
"The crabs trim the sponge to shape, let it grow to shape of their body and use them as a hat or protective blanket keep them protected from predators such as octopus and fish," he added. “We can't really give a definitive answer as to why this species is so fluffy, we suspect it's to help further camouflage its legs from predators,” he also explained.
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