Teddy Bear Pattern: Easy Steps to Knit a Teddy Bear

2022-05-27 23:51:07 By : Ms. Linda Zh

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This free teddy bear knitting pattern is the perfect way to knit a traditional bear – perfect to make as a gift

This teddy bear knitting pattern creates the cutest little bear, complete with his own knitted jacket, which can be taken off.

This teddy bear would make a cute gift for someone. Why not make a teddy jacket in their favourite colour?

The finished teddy bar is around 15cm in height. The teddy bear knitting pattern is worked in reverse stocking stitch, with garter-stitch ears, and you'll need just two balls of yarn.

rev st-st reverse stocking stitch

The bear is worked in reverse stocking stitch throughout – P all RS rows and K all WS rows, except ears which are worked in garter st – K every row.

Cast on 10 sts. 1st row (WS) K and inc 1 st at each end of row. 2nd row P. Inc 1 st at beg of 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th rows. 16 sts. 10th row P. 11th row Cast off 6 sts, k to end. Place marker at last cast off st. 10 sts. 12th row P. 13th row K. Dec 1 st at each end of next 2 rows. Cast off rem 6 sts, working p2tog at each end of cast off row.

Cast on 10 sts. 1st row (RS) P and inc 1 st at each end of row. 2nd row K. Inc 1 st at beg of 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th rows. 16 sts. 10th row K. 11th row Cast off 6 sts, p to end. Place marker at last cast off st. 10 sts. 12th row K. 13th row P. Dec 1 st at each end of next 2 rows. Cast off rem 6 sts, working k2tog at each end of cast off row.

Beg at back of neck, cast on 3 sts. 1st row P. Inc 1 st at each end of 2nd, 6th and 10th rows. 9 sts. Beg with a p row, work 13 rows in rev st-st, so ending with a p row. Shape nose Dec 1 st at each end of next 2 rows. 5 sts. Place marker at each end of last row. Work 5 rows rev st-st. Cast off working p2tog at each end of cast off row.

Cast on 7 sts, work 4 rows in g-st. Next row K2tog at each end of row. Cast off working k2tog at each end of cast off row.

Cast on 4 sts. 1st row (WS) K and inc in every st. 8 sts. P 1 row. 3rd row K and inc in every st. 16 sts. P 1 row. 5th row K7, inc in next 2 sts, k7. 18 sts. ** P 1 row. 7th row K8, inc in next 2 sts, k8. 20 sts. P 1 row. 9th row K9, inc in next 2 sts, k9. 22 sts. P 1 row. 11th row K10, inc in next 2 sts, k10. 24 sts. Work 13 rows in rev st-st so ending with a p row. Shape chest 25th row K2tog, k8, [k2tog] twice, k8, k2tog. 20 sts. P 1 row. 27th row K8, [k2tog] twice, k8. P 1 row. 29th row K2tog, k5, [k2tog] twice, k5, k2tog. 14 sts. P 1 row. 31st row K2tog, k3, [k2tog] twice, k3, k2tog. 10 sts. Cast off purlwise.

Work as Body Front to **. Work 9 rows in rev st-st. Shape lower back 15th row K7, [k2tog] twice, k7. 16 sts. Work 3 rows rev st-st. 19th row K7, inc in next 2 sts, k7. 18 sts. Work 7 rows in rev st-st. 27th row K2tog, k5, [k2tog] twice, k5, k2tog. 14 sts. P 1 row. 29th row K5, [k2tog] twice, k5. 12 sts. P 1 row. 31st row K2tog, k2, [k2tog] twice, k2, k2tog. 8 sts. Cast off purlwise.

Cast on 3 sts. Shape paws 1st row K and inc in every st. 6 sts. P 1 row. 3rd row Inc in 1st st, k1, inc in next 2 sts, k1, inc in last st. 10 sts. P 1 row. 5th row K and inc 1 st at each end of row. 12 sts. P 1 row. 7th row Inc in 1st st, k3, [k2tog] twice, k3, inc in last st. P 1 row. Rep the last 2 rows once more. Work 4 rows rev st-st. 15th row K and inc 1 st at each end of row. 14 sts. Work 7 rows rev st-st. 23rd row K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. P 1 row. 25th row K2tog, k2, [k2tog] twice, k2, k2tog. Cast off purlwise, slipping the first st.

Cast on 22 sts. Beg with a K row, work 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end of next 2 rows. 18 sts. 5th row K2tog, k6, k2tog, k6, k2tog. 15 sts. 6th row P2tog, p11, p2tog. 13 sts. 7th row Inc in 1st st, k5, inc in next st, k5, inc in last st. 16 sts. Work 9 rows in rev st-st. 17th row K2tog, k4, [k2tog] twice, k4, k2tog. 12 sts. P 1 row. Cast off working k2tog at each end of cast off row.

Cast on 3 sts. 1st row K and inc 1 st at each end of row. 5 sts. Work 9 rows in rev st-st. 11th row K2tog, k1, k2tog. Cast off purlwise, slipping first st.

Make sure purl side is the right side. Press all pieces.

With purl sides together, and using a tiny backstitch, join front and back body pieces together all around from back neck to front neck. Turn through and stuff through neck opening, do not close seam.

Join head side pieces from tip of nose to chin. Insert head gusset, matching markers (these are approximate eye positions), stuff head, moulding as you go, stuffing nose firmly first. Leave neck edge open.

Join head to body around neck edge, adding more stuffing as you work. Tie a length of yarn around neck, pull up but not too tightly, fasten off.

Sew up legs and arms and stuff, then pinning in place to body, sew on limbs, passing thread through body several times so arms and legs appear to be jointed.

Sew the ears to the head, curving slightly. Sew the bead eyes to the head, sinking them in to the face by pulling the threads towards the back of the head and securing. Embroider a small nose, mouth and claws.

Cast on 10 sts. 1st row K and inc 1 st in first st. K 7 rows, ending at front edge. Shape underarm 9th row K and inc in last st. 10th row K and inc in first st. 11th row As 9th row. 14 sts. K 5 rows, ending at front edge. Shape front 17th row K1, k2tog, k to end. K 3 rows. Rep the last 4 rows twice more. Cast off rem 11 sts.

Cast on 10 sts. 1st row K and inc 1 st in last st. K 7 rows, ending at side edge. Shape underarm 9th row K and inc in first st. 10th row K and inc in last st. 11th row As 9th row. 14 sts. K 5 rows, ending at side edge. Shape front 17th row K to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. K 3 rows. Rep the last 4 rows twice more. Cast off rem 11 sts.

Cast on 20 sts. K 8 rows. Shape underarm 9th, 10th and 11th rows K and inc 1 st at each end of row. 26 sts. K 14 rows. Shape back neck 26th row K11, cast off 4 sts, k to end. Shape right shoulder Next row K to last 2 sts, k2tog. K 1 row. Cast off. Shape left shoulder Next row Rejoin yarn to neck edge and dec 1 st at beg of row. K 1 row. Cast off.

Do not press. Join shoulder and underarm seams. Dress the bear, overlap the jacket fronts slightly and sew buttons through both layers. If you want to undo the jacket, sew buttons to one front and press fasteners to correspond with buttons.

This teddy bear knitting pattern was taken fromThe Knitted Teddy Bear: Make Your Own Heirloom Toys, with Dozens of Patterns for Unique Clothing (£8) by Sandra Polley.

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