Roughly 300 stuffed animals were mysteriously spilled on Interstate 5 in Portland Wednesday morning.
A mysterious stuffed animal spill on Interstate 5 in Portland left some drivers, and transportation officials, scratching their heads Wednesday morning.
About 300 of the stuffed toys — which included a Pooh Bear, a Minion and what appeared to be several My Little Ponies — were strewn across the interstate near the Burnside Bridge around 10:30 a.m., according to Don Hamilton, a spokesperson for the Oregon Department of Transportation.
This #ToyStory was found on SB I-5 at #BurnsideBridge. We think they may have been on their way to Pizza Planet, but we're not exactly sure how they got there. Crews have taken them to our north #Portland maintenance yard for care, cuddles and feeding. #PDXtraffic
Hamilton said most of the toys were off to the side and caused a minimal backup, though workers did close one lane to collect the cartoon creatures.
“It’s not often we get several hundred stuffed animals visiting our highways,” Hamilton said.
Where the fluffy critters came from was not immediately clear, though they would be taken to the North Portland maintenance yard “for care and feeding,” Hamilton said.
Are you missing several hundred stuffed toys? The Oregon Department of Transportation would like to speak with you.
Anyone missing approximately 300 colorful stuffed animals was encouraged to contact the department of transportation.
– Kale Williams;; 503-294-4048; @sfkale
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