The bear in question is named Tamarack, escaped from a rescue center after being saved from a wildfire last year. (photo by Janko Ferlič via Unsplash)
A real bear was caught on camera playing with a toy bear that he had found.
SFGATE reports how the bear in question is named Tamarack and happens to be somewhat of a sensation in California’s South Lake Tahoe area. See, Tamarack had been rescued as a cub during a wildfire last year and was treated for severe burns when he pulled a Steve McQueen and escaped back into the wild, bandages and all.
The same SFGATE article states how residents have spotted Tamarack around ever since, which makes this recent video particularly delightful.
The Dodo continues to report how wildlife Toogee Sieslch has actually taken up the task of documenting Tamarack’s life on the outside with trail cameras placed throughout a forest that the bear was spotted in.
One of these cameras captured video of the bear playing in a creek this week, tossing around and even seemingly cradling a smaller toy bear in his paws.
“I thought how it was almost a perfect example of the playfulness of not only young black bears, but all of them,” tells Sieslch to the Dodo.
“It makes my heart very happy to have watched his progress against all odds as an orphaned and healing cub of the year, now yearling. It shows just how tenacious wildlife is when it comes to survival.”
Where Tamarack managed to find the toy bear—and whether he’s given it a name—has yet to be confirmed.
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