• Gore Verbinski’s ‘Cattywumpus’ To Be Shopped After Being In Works At Netflix – Deadline

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:25:34

    Editorial Director/Box Office Editor

    EXCLUSIVE: We are hearing from sources that Cattywumpus, the Gore Verbinski-directed animated movie about outer space felines, will be getting shopped around town to other studios.

    Verbinski, whose films have grossed $3.76 billion and who won an

  • Spend your Labor Day weekend with one of these adoptable pets: September 3-4 - silive.com

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:25:17

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    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:25:04

    YAVAPAI COUNTY, Ariz. (CNN) - First responders in Arizona are helping a child cope after losing his parents and brother in a tragic crash last month.

    Authorities say the Stone family was driving home from a family reunion near Ash Fork, Arizona, when their vehicle slid across the highway

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    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:59

    VALDOSTA, Ga. (WALB) - Valdosta City Schools (VCS) is introducing a new strategic way to get kids to respond.

    Valdosta City Schools welcomed Bouncy, a new stuffed service dog to teach positive behavioral expectations in a fun yet knowledgeable way.

    VCS officials said they started t

  • Front Page | leadertelegram.com

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:57

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  • Stuffed animals bring joy, comfort to Christ the King Manor residents | News | thecourierexpress.com

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:56

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  • Cute Corgi dog throws stuffed toy at human to grab his attention. Watch | Trending - Hindustan Times

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:49

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    Dogs are attention-seeking animals who steal, chew, or swallow your things to attract attention. And your reaction to getting your stuff back, be it by chasing or yelling at them, is maybe what they want. Case in point, this video that captures what a dog

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    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:48

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (WJXT) – A Florida boy is on a mission to bring some comfort and joy to children in Ukraine.

    The 11-year-old is partnering with businesses and the YMCA to collect stuffed animals to send to kids from the war-torn country.

    By most accounts, Sage Goodall is a typ

  • KDUZ Pet Patrol – September 2nd |KDUZ

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:43

    Every week we will introduce you to some of the most adorable, adoptable pets available from our partner shelters Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter, Tri-County Humane Society, Pet Haven of MN, Hawk Creek Animal Shelter, Underdog Rescue, MN, Midwest Animal Rescue & Services and Ruff Start R

  • Dog Days of Summer - Events - Erie Reader

    by admin on 2022-09-02 19:24:36

    On August 21st, 2022, Port Farms will be hosting their first Dog Days of  Summer event at the farm to benefit McKean animal rescue, Because You Care. In addition to  farm events raising money for the organization on that day, the animal shelter will have dogs  available for adoption during