As Christmas Eve nears, second graders at C.R. Hanna are concerned about the elves making toys for Santa and Rudolph to deliver that night. These are the letters they’ve written to him, exactly as they wrote them.
Are your elves being good? who is the naughtiest elf? For Christmas can I have yu-gi-oh cards? can you give me the power to heal and teleport? I would also like yu- gi-oh mamenta and smashers?
How are your reindeer doing? I’m doing good at Math.This year. Can I Please have a basketball court, a soccer net, and a remote control. car.
Does Mrs. Claus Make The best cookies? It is my first Year in Basket ball. I want a puppy, a toy that is a tractor that can plow snow and it can spread salt and a flat bed truck with a back hoe. I hope to see you soon.
How do you deliver presents to every kid in one night? I have been really good this year. Can I please have a phone and head phones, a unicorn squishmallow, and a pink Nintendo switch.
Why don’t you exist? For Christmas I want a Playstation 5, a tablet and 15M half dollar coins or a dogecoin miner.
Your existing friend, James Dochterman.
How long is the list of bad kids and the good kids? I’m looking forward to Christmas. For Christmas I would like a wall crawler remote control car please. Another thing I would like is a duplo set, and finally I would like a gem stone kit that I don’t have.
How are the reindeer doing? I bought a stocking for my set. Can i pease have a lot of stuffed animals? See! you
Why does Ruldolf have a glowing nose? Christmas is the best holiday. Can I please have a Legoset, a phone, and a dinosaur Legoset. Merry Christmas
What is Tennessee’s job this year? This year is my first time in basketball. Can I please have a stitch it and I also want dry erase markers with erasers and Hatchimals.
How do your reindeer fly? I am 7 years old and I’m in 2nd Grade. This year I would like a big stuffed animal unicorn. Also I want a Polly PocKet and also a yery fluffy stuffed animal cat. Have a safe trip!
Are the reindeer cute? I don’t think you’re reaI. I would like a LEGO Mario or Luigi starter set, an orange LEGO technic 2 in 1 pullback race car, with a start/finish line, a new WII video game, and a new movie.
Are your rain deer cute? My mom put up camras year so look for them OK? Could I have a new nerf gun Please? Could I have a new Nintendo game Please Santa merry Chistmas! could you give me a Phone Santa?
What kind of cookies do you want for when you visit and candy canes for you reindeer? I don’t know if my cousins have been bad or good? Santa can I have a Barbie cat like my cat Wiggles for my Barbies? Can I have a friend for puppie my stuffanimal please?
Can I have some more Barbies, even though I have two boxes of them. Merry Christmas to you!
Love your friend, Ella Larson
How do you deliver a bunch of presents in one nite? I am gowing to get a puppy soon! I would like a season 3 mini brand and play-Doh please. I would like a Lego boat. Merry Christmas to you!
Do your reindeer eat candy canes? My cousins friend took a picture of you. I love this toy and I’m hoping that you can bring it. It is a phone. I really like phones. I I like this toy that you can move with your hand and with a car. I like makeup and I want a makeup pallet, if you can get it for me. I would like if you could get it for me.
How do your reindeer fly? I really like cany canes. Can I please have a Place to put all of my Baubbies? Also a Place to Put my hair stuff and some Legos.
How are your reindeer doing? I’ll make you some Cookies and Milk! This year I would Please like a hoverboard, an electric scooter, and a desk for my room. Tell Mrs. Claus that I said hi!
Do the reindeer have sunglasses to protect their eyes? I can’t wait to get my farrow fluid. Can you please get me my farrow fluid.Can you please get me the mini magnetic balls. Can you please get me the ninja kids toys.
How do the reindeer fly? Can I pleaSe have a toy jeweiry box, stuff animals and a small cristmas tree for my bedroom?
Why do the reindeer lead your sleigh, you have magic powers? I love my family! Can I have 3 things, a karaoke machine, a pug Lego set, and a mini brand set. Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!
How do you carry all the presents without fallin? I want to go to Florida. Please can I have a bracelet, ruler, and an iPad?
How many presents do you deliver each year? Christmas is my favorite holiday. This year I would like a drone whith a camera on it, marvel spider man for a ps 4, and a remote control airplane.