Letters to Santa - Don Gill Elementary in Wellsboro | Community | tiogapublishing.com

2022-09-02 19:29:20 By : Mr. Leo Lou

Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 61F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph..

Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 61F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

Hello! How do reindeer fly? How do you get around the world in one night? Santa I’ve tried to be very good. There are a few things I’m hoping for. A Polly Pocket and a wolf stuffy. Santa it would be nice if you get my dog a bone. Santa my rabbit might make a noise. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Your friend,

How do elves make monster trucks? I have been good this year. For Christmas, may I have a new game for my Nintendo Switch? Also, please send my sister a fidget. I hope you like the cookies I leave you! Your friend,

Hi! How are you? How does your sleigh go so fast around the world? May I please get a new X-Box and knitting supplies? I’ve been good. My sister would like a new phone. Thank you Santa! Ho! Ho! Ho! Your friend,

Hello! How are you? How are the reindeer feeling? Are the elves behaving this year? This year I’m hoping for a Beyblade, V-bucks for Fortnite, and a red Turbobot. Also I would like a new cat. My mom would really like a chameleon for Christmas. I also wanted to let you know that we moved! To get into the new house we have 2 chimneys. Got into the one on the house side. Then the tree to leave rpesents is in the theater. We will leave you cookies and milk. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! How are you? I hope you’re good! How do you go around the world in one night? Santa, I feel like I have been a good kid. I try to be good but oh how much me and my sister fight! But, I love her anyway and sometimes, she’s nice. Tehre are some things I’m willing for. They are: A Nintendo Switch Lite and its blu, and Animal Crossing. Santa, can you please get my sister new Pony beads? Santa please use my front door. I don’t have a chimney. My Christmas tree is in my living room. I will leave cookies and milk plus carrots. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! How are you? I have some questions. How do you keep track of all of those presents? How do you get your sleigh ready?? Santa, I have tried to be good, but sometimes I get into trouble. There are some things I hope for. I want a Nintendo-Switch, X-box, and some new dirt bike gears. Santa, could you also get a glass heart that says Mom, Dad, Scotti, Jacob and Madilyn? My stocking will be in front of my door. So will my Christmas tree. In the kitchen there will be cookies, milk, and carrots. I promise I will be asleep. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Ho-Ho-Ho! From your friend,

Hello! How do you get the sleigh ready? How do your reindeer fly? Santa I’ve tried to be good but I get mad at my brother. There are things I’m hoping for. Here are the things I want. A baby Yoda, a stuffy, a Squooshy and a doll. Can you get my dog a chew toy? Can you get my mom a very pretty scarf? Can you get my brother a PS 5? If you see my bogs asleep, just leave them alone. The cookies are in the kitchen. There will be carrots for your reindeer. My stocking will be on the Chrismas tree. Your friend,

Hello! How old are you? Is Rudolph real? Santa I’ve tried to be good. I want a string so I can do the cat’s cradle. I want a drum set. I want a Nintendo Swich. Santa could you bring a new coat for my dog Rocco? I have a stocking upstairs. I promise I will be sound asleep. Have a safe Trip! Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! I wonder how do reindeer fly? What do you do during the summer? I’ve tried to be very good! May I get a hoverboard? I want a PS 4 Station for me. and my dad to play games together. I want my Papa to have some tools for work. Use the door because I do not have a chimney. Your friend,

Hello hoho! What do you do during the summer? How do you fit in the chimney? Santa I have been good this year! Ther are somthings I would like please. I really want a new tablet and a drawing things. I also want some food for my squirrel. Don’t let the dog out please. The cats are fine. Oh and I will be asleep. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas to you Santa! Your friend,

Hello! How are you? How do you get around the world in one night? How do your reindeer fly? Santa, I’ve been good so far. So I want 20 Pokemon games, a small and big Pokemon card, and some pokemon books. I would like some dog toys that squeak. Please don’t let my dog out because he will run to the neighbors. Come in the door please. Your friend,

Hello! How do you get around the world in one night? How did you grow such a big bears? Santa I’ve tried to be very good. There are a few things I’m hoping for Christmas. They are a BB gun and a Nintendo Switch and Minekraft. I would like a scratch art for my grama. Santa if my chimney is too small go to the front door. I have a dog. He is very nice. In my living rom my stockings are by my chimney. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho! Your friend,

Hello! How do you fly? How do you fit into chimneys? Santa I am sorry for when I’m bad. There are some things I would like the most. A basketball hoop and basketball, a two in one transformer, and a new bedset, and Minecraft, and a PS4 game. Get my friend a second controller. Don’t let the cat in. I promise I will go asleep. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! How do you get around the world in one night? What do your reindeer like to eat? Santa, I’ve tried to ge good and it is hard! I think my behavier is better than my brother. There are a few things that I really want for Christmas. I would like to have a computer and a computer charger and one more thing. It is an LoL set. Santa, my mom really wants a Peloton and my dogs need more bones. It’s oka if my cat gets out don’t worry it’s okay. If you wake up my dogs don’t worry they’re in cages. They might bark Oh and I’ll be going to bed really early and asleep. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas and ho ho ho! Your friend,

I hope you get me a DJ Pad and a Nerf gun and a Nintendo Switch. Please get my bird a toy. And please get Sage an ipad and my mom a necklace. I’ve been good. Maybe better than before. I will be helpful to my mom and help my brother with his homework. How do reindeer fly? How do you fly around the world in one night? Have a safe trip! Your friend,

Hello! How does Rudolph’s nose glow? How do you fit in a chimney? Santa I’ve tried to be very good but sometimes I can’t hold my Anger. I just need to get it out and I am sorry. There are a few things I’d like: a 3-D pen and an American Girl Doll, and a little restaurant for her. Can you give Alexis a new guitar and my cat a new toy? The Christmas tree is on the 2nd floar. The other one is on the 3rd floor. The Dining room will have the milk and cookies. Don’t let the cats out. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! How do your reindeer fly? What do you do in the summer? Santa I’ve tried to be good. My brother needs to be nicer to me I think. There are a few things I want. Santa here they are. I want a robot dog and cat and a stuffed animal deer. Santa, can you give my dog a bone? Make sure it is squishy. Can you get a sticker book for Carson? And for Buny a robot cat because she is allergic to real cats. Santa I do not have a chimney. My Christmas tree is in the basement and the stockings are up staris. Do not put your finger in the guinea pig cage! And I promise I will be fast asleep. Be sure to get the carrots and cookies. p.s. my guinea pig is named Cookie. Have a safe trip! Your friend,

Hello! How are you? How do you get around the world in one night? How do you keep track of all those presents? Santa I’ve tried to be good but yesterday I got mad at my sister because she was making me mad. I am sorry, I will work on that. There are some things I’m hoping for. One of them is a four wheeler and a poke-mon game and a Pogo stick. Please give my sister a red Christmas dress. Santa, can you please get my mom and dad matching coats? Santa please come through the front door because I do not have a chimney. The Christmas tree is in the sun room. Same for the cookies and same for the stockings. I promise I will be asleep. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas ho ho ho! Your friend,

How are you? How do reindeer fly? What do you do during summer? I’ve been okay, but I got in trouble a couple times. I’d like a Lego set. I’d like to get a collar for my cat. The Christmas tree is in the living room. The stockings are in the living room. Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho ho! Your friend,

Hello! How do you fit in a chimney? How do rerindeer fly? I’ve been a very good boy. There are a few presents I’m hoping for. There are a spiderman mask with web shooters, a new plushy and a new dog. Santa please give my little brother a hoverboard. Carrots are in the kitchen. Cookies and milk are in the living room. I promise I’ll be sound asleep. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Hello! I can’t wait until Christmas!! I would really like a Vector robot. I would also like roller skates please. My sister would also like a Vector robot. I just moved so please use the front door on my new house on W****** Road. I will leave you sugar cookies that Grama made. I will leave carrots for the reindeer. Your friend,

How are your reindeer? How did they learn to fly? I have been kinda bad but gooder the rex of the year. I would like a new book, new shoes and anoicy Xpain Please! With a track. Thank you for my mom! Love,

How do eles make toy so quickly? My behavior was pretty good. I want a put. I will here MX mobile eve and his. Have a great that timo. Your friend

What presents are going to bring me? I want a nailset and a art set. My sister is bosy. I want a car for my friend. I hope you have a good trip. Your friend

How do you fly so fast? My behavior is good because I hope my mom with groceries. I want a toy car and a toy train. I want to give Colin a toy marble. I hope you have a nice flight. Your friend,

Do you know my Dads phone number? I was good because I helped my sister. I would like a hoverboard and a intnendo Switch. I made presents for Mom, Dad, and my sister and Mimi. I hope you will like the cookies! Your frend,

How are your reindeer doing? I have been good because I hope my Mom do the laundry. I want a phone and a laptop. I am giving my mom and Dad a gift. I hope Mrs. Claus is doing good. Your friend,

Santa how can you survive in the North Pole? I am good because their my Mom and dad. I sunt a water bottle and a new bed room. People are nice to me so I thinic of some one else. Have a safe trip. Your friend,

How do you make toys? I was good because I helped my brother when he was sad. 2 things I want 1 baby kitten and 2 LOL dolls. I hope my friend Meidde gets a new dog. I hope you have a nice flight. Your friend,

2021. How a reindeers fly? I was good becaus I was a little boy with my sister. I want a dinosaur. I want a dog. My dad was sick. I gave him soup. Your friend,

Are there birds at the north pole. I want a RC truck. I want toy trucks. I was good because I helping Mom and dad. I hope you have a good trip. Your friend,

How do your reindeer fly? I was good because outside I am good. I want a dirt bike. I want a nurf gun. I am thinking about my friend. Santa Claus have a great Crismiss. Your friend,

How long does it take to go all the way around the world? I was good because I help my mom. I want a toy atm. The second thing I want for Christmas is a toy cash regest. I wish adria has a good Christmas. I wish you a safe flight. Your friend,

Why is it so cold at the North Pole. I was good at school and good at my house because I help my teacher and my mom. Dear Santa, please can I have a America girl Doll. Dear Santa can I have a tablet for Christmas? For Christmas I am getting a present for my mom. I wish for Santa that he get’s a lot of cookies. I wish that my mom will get a lot of presents. Your friend,

How cold does it get in the North Pole? I was good and bad I was good because I are yed my parents but I had some temper tantrums along to my room. Two things I want for Christmas are q.pa.haze colossal set and the minne mouse marvelos market. I’ve been thinking of Mrs. Tice almost every day. I’ve been writing letters to Mrs. Tice. Have a merry Csristmas. your friend,

How much more days until Cristmas? I was good because I have been giving my best. One of the things I want is a realistic but fake kitchen with utensils and a shlicke horse barn. I am thinking about Mrs. Clark because I am hoping to get her a present. I hope you have a safe trip.

How do reindeer fly? I was so good because I help the kids that get hurt. I would like a le car for Christmas. I would like a Pokemon Pack for Christmas. I love you Santa. My friend told me he wishes for a car. Your friend,

how do you get in the chimney so fast? I have been really good this year! I would like an X-box 360 and the big Lego City set. I would Trent to have an X-box 360. Tell Mrs. Claus I said “Hi”! I wish you a Merry Christmas! From,

Do you have friend in the North Pole? My behavur is good because. I want for Chrstmas is a gym membership. I also want for Christmas you my grandmom to get out of the haspital. I hope you have a safe trip. I am thinking out my friend. Your friend,

Does rudolph have a red nose? My behavior was a little bad and good. I would like a aivt 6 is and Play Station. I will help my mom and bad set up my birthday party. I hope you have a good christmas. Your frend,

How can you fly? My behavior is good and bad. Why becasue my sister and I always get in fights. I want a barby house and a teddy bear. I am thinking about my Mom and my dad becasue they have been working so hard. Santa I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend,

Sant what do you make the reindeer fly with? I was kind of bad but mostly good. I would want a new pair or skis. I would want a new pair of snow pants. I hope you have a safe trip to all the coungtries. your friend,

How do your reindeer fly? I was bad but I was more good than bad. I would like a diary with a key and a lock. I would like a baby stuffed animal pegasus. My family is the best because they are nice to me. I hope you and your reindeer are good and not sock. your friend,

My name is Brock. I like to go hunting with my Dad and Uncle Pork. Also i like to ride my bike. I was good this year. My questions for you are how do you make so many toys before Christmas? Question 2. how cold is the North Pole? Question 3 where do you get your clothes? For Christmas I would like a Paw Patrol Dino Protroller because i think its cool. I also want a cool state board because i want to go to a skate park to ride id. My final thing i want is jump fury because it is fun and it jumps 22 in. High. I think there is more than just one someone who deserves a gift. that would be all the children/people who are less fortunate. They deserve a good Christmas especially the homeless people and homeless veterans. Santa you have a good life and happy smile. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, your Friend,

My name is Denise. I am good at crafts. I like ghastik and I am going to be the Best. I was good This year How old are you. Are your elf’s tiny. Do you have a brother. I want a Ti-dy Kit. lots of figits. Dog man Books. I want a phone for my mom. Love,

My name is Nick. I’m a good maker. I good at sports. I was a little bad mosle ser this yere. How do you make so mane prasihts. How mane deer do you hav? Thank you. Spi gachits to play hide and seek. a wake-toke for Cayden plees. You are rele nice. im ghv make butersckose kookes. Love

My name is Brynlee. I school and I am 8. I wus good to my classmates. how many elves do you have? Do you watch us every day? Could I have Phones so a I bo not have to listen to my sister. Can you get my Dad a Ohio State pillow. You make great presents. I am makeing stuff for you. Love

My name is Parker. I love math. I am good at math. I was mostly good this year. How long is your beard? How much cookies do you eat in 12 hours? Can I see you? I will love 80 Pokemon stuffed animals Because I love stuffed animals. Could you get a wacky track for my friend McKensie. Please Santa. I will give you a cookies. Love

My Name is AveRee. I am in the Don Gill. I am 7. I was waugyhty what is Rudolf like? I want two gymnastic mats? I want it because I love it + mma is special. You one good at dropping presents. Love,

Hello. My name is Ana. I am 7. I like Robots. I was good this year. How much marshmellows do you put in your Hot cocoa? Can children Meet you? I really want a ROBoT! I would like an aninamating tablet. Please get Kenall a pair of boucy shoes. You’re cool! I will give you an oreo. Love

My name is Randall. I am really good at poot ball and running. I was the best this year. How do you go down the chimney? Why does it always show there? I would like V-Bucks. My friend wants V-Bucks. You do a great job teleporting. Love,

My Name is Aleah L***. I am a student at Don Gill. I am 8 years old. I was good and bad this year. How do you go all over the world in 8 hours? How were you born? I want a hamster, pink bean bag chair, and a American girl doll for christmas. Can you get a present for Ana? You are special. I cant wait till christmas and I hope you have a gret chrismas! Love,

My name is Kenzie. Santa I want to tell you that I love this show NCIS. This year I have been a good girl and very helpful to my friends. I want this toy called mini brands because it can be food for my dolls. Can you get me a Wacky track and a snapper. Can you get litte brother some fidgets. How old are you? How do go down a chimney? How long is your beard? Can you get Kendall a bunny. Can you get Lynna hoverboard. Can you get Devin a big pack of fidget. Santa you are very nice. Love,

My name is Kendall. I do gymnastics. I do swim Team. I Was good and bad this year. How bad is your beafd? how many marshmellows do you have in your hot cocoa? Have you been good this year? Can I have as skates and hoverboard. And at bunth. Gift and a science Robot. You’re a good man.

My name is Devin. I was a little bad. I love on ** M*** Lane and my B.F.F. is Megan. How big is your sack of Presents? How red is Rudolf’s nose? For Chrismeis I want VR Head set and a salt lamp. Can you get Megan an Elf Pet? I like your reindeer. Love,

My name is Megan. I am a student at Don Gill. I am in 2nd grade. I was very good because I did not have any problems these 3 months. How long is your beard? How is your reindeer and wife? How many cookies have you eaten? I would LOVE the new Abigail and Boomerang and Lucky and Spirint horses and flanin hot mac and cheese for my brother. Can you give Devin a toy coat please. I love your reindeer. I hope to see you this year and I will give you oatmeal cookies. Love,

My name is Carson. I’m a student at Don Gill. I love learning about science. I was great this year. How long is your beard? How many reindeer do you have? Do you think I was naughty? I want a nerfgun and a robe snake. Could you give Tukker a transformer? you are a nice man. Happy christmas! Love,

My name is Emma. I love coloring. I love my bed I’ve been behaving OK. How does your reindeer fly? How does Rudolf have a red nose? What’s your favorite color? I want a new doll and I want a LOL doll house and I want a doll car. Can you give my mom a cat? You are cool! Love,

My name is Tukker. I am good at typing. I’m 7 and my birthday is June 13. I’m very good and I’m not ever going to get in troudle. How long is your beard? Did you make friends in the North Pole? I would love love toy Robots so they can clean my house instead of my family. Please give my sister dolls. You are a very nice man. I will leave cookies for you! Love,

My name is Lynn. I’m really good at soccer. I’m a good at girl Scout. I was a little bad and good this year. How many cookies do you eat? Do you have a brother? I want a baried reborn a camera. Can you get kola a hone. You are a good man and you are nice. Have a good Christmas. Love,

My name is Sage. I am a stesant. I amz. I was good this year. What maks Roberofs nose red? How do you make your slay fly? I want a VR hedset because there cool. I want a ntgo sisth and a phon. My ante likes rooks. I knowe ya are reale. Love

My name is John. I live in Wellsboro and I love to play outside. I think I was a good boy this year. Do you like to play outside too? How do you like liviong in the North Pole? I wish I could be one of your elves. Do you like making toys? I would love to get some dinosaurs, beep beeps, trucks, and cars. I think you should get my sister some minions. She loves them! I think you are so amazing! I can’t wait for Christmas. Your Friend,

My name is Branson and I’m a 2nd grader. And I’m 8. How do the reindeer fly? Can I please see my grandpa again? And a Nerf gun please and Roblox. Can you please give Jonah and Gabe and Owen a Merry Christmas? Santa please have a safe trip.

My name is Taylor and I’m a 2nd grader. Do the reindeer fly? May I please have a book, a car, Roblox, Nerf gun. Can you bring my sister anime plushies? Thank you stay safe.

My name is Marlei and I’m in 2nd grade. How do your reindeer fly? And may I please have an RC police car? Can you break coronavirus please for the world? Please don’t get stuck in the chimney.

My name is Rayna and I’m 8 and I’m in 2nd grade. Do you come down the chimney? Please can I get Legos and a crystal. Can I have V Bucks on Roblox? Can you give to the people who have no things? Thank you for coming and see you next year.

My name is Maci and I’m a 2nd grade student at Don Gill. How many cookies do you eat? For Christmas can I please have a Popits and a phone? Can you please bring my brother a big big dinosaur? Give Mrs. Claus a hug.

My name is Oaklee. I’m a 2nd grade student. How does the reindeer fly? Can I have please Harry Potter Legos? Can I have a go cart please? Stay safe.

My name is Ruby and I’m a 2nd grade student. How do you get through the chimney? Can I please have a gymnastics and I want a gymnastics bar and a hoverboard and a gymnastics beam. I hope our world stays safe. Fly safe. Have a safe trip Santa Claus.

My name is Jonah and I’m a 2nd grade student. How many elves do you have? Please can I have an X Box, Roblox, Nerf gun and Pokemon cards. Please Santa. Santa fly safe.

My name is Aurora and I’m in Don Gill School and I’m 8. How do your reindeer fly? For Christmas may I please have a real life baby doll, a hoverboard and a kitten? I wish my brother had a Harry Potter Lego set. Please have a safe trip.

My name is Leland and I’m a 2nd grade student 7 years old! How do you fit in your suit and are you magic? I want a PS4 controller please. Can you get my mom a candle please? Merry Christmas.

My name is Madelyn and I’m 8 years old. How do your reindeers fly? May I please have Aphmau Me’Meows and ItsFunneh merch and a Roblox gift card? Can you please bring my dad a new tackle box? Please tell Mrs. Claus I said hi.

My name is Jaylee and I am 8 years old. I am a 2nd grader. How many elves do you have? Can I please have new clothes and Pokemon fidgets. My friend Kayna would like some fidgets too and new clothes and she wants a hoverboard. Have a good Christmas Santa. You are my friend Santa.

My name is Chase and I’m a 2nd grade student. How do you fly in the sky? May I please have an X Box and controller and can you bring Christian a new toolkit? Have a safe trip.

My name is Owen and I’m a 2nd grade student. What do you do with all the cookies? For Christmas may I please have a RC car, helmet, and a Nerf gun. I wish Bransyn a Merry Christmas. Please stay safe on your flight.

My name is Brynn and I’m a 2nd grader and I am 7 years old. How do your elves make all the toys? For Christmas may I please have a hoverboard, puppy, kitten. May you please let my friends have a great Christmas? Hope you have a safe trip.

My name is Baylor and I’m in second grade. Does your sleigh fly by itself? For Christmas may I please have a hoverboard, sock puppet, and a cat? Tell Mrs. Clause “Merry Christmas” for me!

My name is Taryn and I’m a 2nd grade student. How do you fit down the chimney? May I please have crystals for Christmas? Can you bring my sister a Harry Potter Lego set please? Please give Mrs. Claus a hug from me.

My name is Gabe and I am in 2nd grade. How do your reindeer fly? Can I please have a computer and a Lego race car and Minecraft? My wish for the world is for Coronavirus to go away. Please have a safe trip.

My name is Blair and I am in second grade. How do you make the reindeer fly? Can you please bring me a skateboard and Popits? I would like you to bring my sister some candy. Merry Christmas and there will be some cookies.

My name is Evelyn. I’m at Don Gill in second grade. How do you see if you’re in the back? Is Rudolph’s nose really bright? Can you please maybe bring me a Nintendo Xbox? I want to well wish my mom for her to get a good gift. We’ll be waiting for you.

I was a good boy. I helped my mom carry groceries in the house. A toy truck, an art set, and a toy astronaut are the toys I want this year. Please bring a toy for Zhu. She’s my sister’s baby. Have a safe trip back to the North Pole.

Is there actually a reindeer called Rudolph? I’ve been very nice because I did the laundry for my mom. The only thing I want for Christmas is a toy horse that runs when I press a button and I can ride it with a saddle and reins and it neighs. That’s all. Will you please get my sister a Lego set? I hope you have a good Christmas.

I have a question: how is the sled looking? Also I have been very good. I only have three wishes. An MP3 player, and I Spy kit, and a smart watch. You know, those ones you can get apps on. Also I’m thinking about my cats. Could you get them a toy? Their names are Peanut and George. Merry Christmas!

I have a question for you. Do you like to deliver presents to children? I think I have been good this year. I wish I could have an Ipod, I want fidgets and I want a great Christmas Santa Claus. I want you to get Izzie and Melodie fidgets for a present. I hope you have a great Christmas!

How are the reindeers feeling? I’m behaving well. My mom said I’m doing good at the house. The two toys I would like is the Barbie Dream House. The next toy I would like is a camera. When my sister messed up on her art project I helped her make it again but even better. Have a happy Christmas!

How many toys do you make, sir? I have been both bad and good this year. I would like an Imaginext set, a Hulk fist, and a Thanos gauntlet. I hope you bring my sister LOL dolls.

How do you deliver presents to the whole world? And I have been good. I am doing good in school. What I want for Christmas is a new computer. Also I wish for my family member to feel better at home. I love her so much!

Do you celebrate Christmas in the North Pole? Also I have been pretty good this year though I have been on my parent’s nerves. Also for my wish list I would like an Apple watch, new winter boots, and a winter hat for Christmas this year. I also have been thinking about people who have been sick so Santa please give the people who have been sick some mercy to them please. I hope everyone at the North Pole has an amazing Christmas this year. Merry Christmas Santa, have a great time delivering presents this year.

How are your reindeer doing? I have been good but I also have been a little bad but the rest I have been good and what I want is a Nintendo because my mom and I want one and we want to play together and I need a phone case for my phone and one fidget for me.

What do you do in the summer? I have been good this year. I would like a Switch, coloring stuff, and last but not least fidgets. I would like to give Emma some fidgets. She is nice. I hope you have an amazing Christmas.

What do you to get ready for Christmas? I have been a good kid this year. I want a whole lot of KFC. Have a merry Christmas.

How are the reindeer? I have been good in school and home. This is what I want, a Lego Tank American please. I want to give my mom earrings too. I hope you are safe in the snow. Merry Christmas.

Santa, you’re the best! I have been good this year. I’ve been doing my homework. I want a DJ set. I want my Meme and Pappy to have a good Christmas. I think you’re the best Santa!

What is your favorite color? I have been good at school and home like helping clean. For Christmas I want a book and I wish my parents have a good Christmas and Merry Christmas Santa.

How are the reindeer doing? I was a good boy, I help my mom. My wish is a Nintendo Switch and some fidgets. Please help my dog get better. She is sick. Please do not fall out of your sleigh on Christmas night. Have a merry Christmas.

How are you doing? I have been good this year. I do my work. I want to have two elves, Sparkles and Jingles. Please bring them a present. I wish for a heated blanket and a diffuser night light with a fan that doesn’t run with water.

What do you bring the bad kids and bullies? I was very nice today. What I want for Christmas is toy robot and a new book. I hope you like the cookies.

How do you get all the presents delivered in one day? I have been good because I help clean the room at school. I want a smart watch and a Nintendo Switch for my brother, because he’s been so nice to me, and please get a bike for me. Have a merry Christmas.

Who is the best reindeer? I was good because I found a tennis ball in a bush and gave the ball to the tennis layer. I want an Iphone 13, a Baby Yoda toy, and a happy happy family. Love you.

How are the reindeer doing? I was good in school and at home. I wish for a hoverboard. And I wish for Coleman and Austin a phone. You have a jolly jolly Christmas!

My name is Kendyl. I am 7 years old. I’m on the good list. My Christmas wishes are a hoverboard and Barbie sets.

Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 61F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 61F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

Mostly cloudy skies. High 82F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.

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