Lawton IMAX to Play E.T. Tomorrow for 40th Anniversary

2022-08-12 19:51:49 By : Ms. Angie Veteam

E.T. is returning to the REALLY big screen tomorrow for it's 40th anniversary and I am happy to report it is the original.

E.T. was before my time, but you cannot deny the impact it had on the movie industry. At the time of its release, it was the highest grossing movie ever. Fun fact, every ride from the Original Universal Studios in Orlando has been torn down, EXCEPT for E.T. The film can be experienced in an all new way tomorrow in IMAX.

You can check out the IMAX trailer above. I am happy to report that this is the original version and not the awful 2002 'updated' version that Spielberg put out back in the day. No crappy CGI, just good old fashioned 80's practical effects. Also, you can see in the trailer when E.T. goes to fly with Elliot the agents have shotguns and not walkie talkies like in the 2002 version. One of the strangest changes in cinema history in my opinion. Check that out below if you have no idea what I am talking about.

If you want to experience E.T. for the first time ever in IMAX, the AMC Patriot in Lawton will be showing it tomorrow (8/12/2022) at 3:45 and 6:45. You can get your tickets here. It also looks like another Speilberg classic 'Jaws' will be coming to IMAX on September 2nd. Since tickets are not available yet, I do not know if Lawton will be getting this. I am just going to assume they will since they're getting E.T.