Kitty Dax with his beloved stuffed rabbit. (Photo Courtesy of Connie Cordero)
BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, Ohio -- A family friend, Mike, got Kitty and had him for five years in St. Louis. Mike went to study overseas in The Netherlands, so he was looking to rehome Kitty. My previous cat, Casper, had passed away a few months earlier, so I agreed to take Kitty. Mike and Kitty drove out from St. Louis. Kitty traveled very well.
It was so exciting to get him -- he was so cute getting out of his little carrier. I am sure it was hard for Mike, but I assured him Kitty was in a loving, pampering home.
The shelter where Mike got Kitty had named him Dex, but Mike always called him Kitty. I started to call him Kitty Dax, so that is now his name. We have had a great year so far. Kitty Dax came with a stuffed elephant and a rabbit. They are his favorite toys.
Kitty Dax can’t figure out the new button flushers on the toilet. (Photo Courtesy of Connie Cordero)
When I leave the house, he moves the elephant to my chair or my bed or by the door, so it is waiting for me when I get home. He is so smart and so funny. Early on, he decided that it was fun to flush my toilets. He first did it in the middle of the night and I was at first puzzled as to how the toilet had flushed.
A month later, I got a water bill for $190 and I realized he was flushing a lot when I left the house! I now have push buttons to flush the toilets! Connie Cordaro Broadview Heights
Do you share your life with an animal that is near and dear to you? Tell us something about your pet - all species are welcome - and send along a photo of the two of you. Be sure to tell us which Greater Cleveland community you live in. Send everything to Ann Norman at
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