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Genshin Impact players have long had to shuffle their team comps around four slots in-game. This was fine at launch, but now it’s becoming a chore. That’s all changing though as leaks indicate the amount of team slots is increasing once Sumeru launches.
It’s a pain every Genshin Impact player knows. With so much content to clear nowadays, the four team slots the game offers you is pretty limiting.
There are ways to get around it — just juggling around characters from party to party. However, once you account for artifact loadouts and weapons, constantly having to swap those, makes swapping teams tedious.
HoYoverse is solving one part of the problem at least, according to leaks. Coming in Genshin Impact Version 3.0 with the release of Sumeru, developers are expanding the number of team slots from four to 10.
The increase in slots comes as a relief to players who were struggling to shuffle in new characters to their existing teams. Now players can set aside more rosters to take on dedicated boss fights, or even for pushing friendship levels.
It’s been labeled as one of the biggest quality of life changes players have been waiting for — among dedicated artifact loadouts for a character that can be saved and swapped as needed. The latter, sadly, isn’t coming just yet.
The current change is all according to leaks from the Version 3.0 beta though. If HoYoverse is feeling particularly cruel, or if there’s a game-breaking glitch, it could be pulled from the patch before its August release.
All things being equal though, Genshin Impact players will be able to freely slot in their new Sumeru characters once the region drops — and then some — with the expanded team slots.