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For hundreds of families that struggle financially during the holidays, Toys for Tots of Berks County is a Christmas miracle.
But for Berks Toys for Tots coordinator Sue Koch and a small but dedicated team of volunteers, the work doesn’t stop when the thousands of donated toys they collect and distribute every year finally end up under the tree.
“I know Christmas is when we are thought about, but it really is a 365 (day) commitment,” Koch said.
Koch said that although the annual campaign — when Toys for Tots starts taking Christmas request applications — doesn’t usually begin until early October, the group collects donations, fulfills requests and gives toys to children in need year-round.
Last year, Toys for Tots provided Christmas toy bundles for 700 families and 34 organizations, including the Children’s Home of Reading and the One Love Project.
“We helped over 11,000 children last year get toys,” Koch said. “Each child gets three toys, a book, five stocking stuffers and a stuffed animal. That’s a lot of toys.”
But that official number doesn’t include families who make informal requests for toys, which Toys for Tots accepts at any time, Koch said.
“Toys for Tots’ motto is, ‘You can’t say no,’ ” Koch said. “If you have it, you give it. Unofficially, I’d say we helped more than 12,000 kids last year.”
Koch said the organization often helps families who suffer sudden tragedies like fires or other unforeseen circumstances.
“A lot of the organizations and people in the community are well aware: If something happens in the community, if a family becomes displaced, call me,” Koch said. “I’ve got your toys covered.”
Koch said those requests can be filled with leftover donations from the previous Christmas, as well as drive events occurring throughout the year, including a bunny run around Easter for local pediatrics wards, collections at golf tournaments and Reading Royals games, and the annual Eastern PA Toy Run with hundreds of drivers donating toys and riding from Classic Harley Davidson, Bern Township, to FirstEnergy Stadium.
Last year’s Toy Run in early November generated about a quarter of the toys collected annually, Koch said.
“We try not to turn away any (toys),” said Koch’s husband, Patrick, who also volunteers with the organization. “We get creative with our storage space.”
Finding the space to operate every year is a particular challenge, Koch said.
Toys for Tots has no permanent office and must rely on local businesses to provide an annual campaign headquarters, as well as warehouse space and toy drop sites.
“The hardest thing for us every year is trying to find a place for us to run our campaign out of,” Koch said. “It’s been monumental trying to find a space every year. One year we worked out of a doctor’s waiting room.”
Despite the difficulties, Koch said her core group of about eight volunteers have run successful campaigns out of everything from vacant offices to an entire floor of the Vanity Fair Outlet.
Koch, who works full time as a material handler, said she leverages her warehousing experience when figuring out storage and distribution, and has been working with Toys for Tots for 12 years.
She said seeing the impact the donations have on families, especially those that have suffered the loss of a spouse or similar tragedies, makes the effort worth it.
“I always tell my volunteers, put a little extra in this one,” she said. “Look for something really nice. “When they come in to collect their toys, I can see their gratitude. I’ve cried with more mothers than I’ve cried with my own mom.”
Nicolas LeVasseur, who dresses as Thor with the Philly Avengers cosplay and charity group, at a Toys for Tots stuff-a-bus event. (COURTESY OF SUE KOCH)
Those in need of toys, or looking to host collection events or donate space for campaign use can get in touch with Toys for Tots of Berks County using the “contact us” tab on their website.
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