COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (PRWEB) March 28, 2019
elope, Inc. announces a new addition to the unisize plush elope Originals line for 2019. Squirt gun meets novelty head wear, The Spitting Llama Sprazy™ Toy Hat fits comfortably within their assortment of hundreds of animal-inspired styles. However, this particular llama comes with an unexpected feature: It actually spits.
"What's more fun than wearing an adorable, plushy llama on your head? Making it spit on your unsuspecting friends," said Lead Designer, Ashley Thompson. "It's our mission at elope to share laughter and wear happiness, and a spitting llama hat is almost guaranteed to elicit at least a smile, if not a full-on wearable water gun parade."
"It's really about incorporating happiness and play into your everyday life," said CEO Kevin Johnson. "Research is revealing this to be an increasingly important concept."
elope is definitely onto something, according to psychiatrist Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute for Play in Carmel Valley, CA.
“Play is a basic human need as essential to our well-being as sleep, so when we’re low on play, our minds and bodies notice. Over time, play deprivation can reveal itself in certain patterns of behavior. It could manifest as crankiness, rigidness, or an overall feeling of being stuck. To benefit most from the rejuvenating benefits of play, we need to incorporate it into our everyday lives, not just wait for that two-week vacation every year,” said Brown.
elope's Spitting Llama promises to deliver on the promise of fun. The wearer can stealthily soak their targets from up to 25 feet away, all while disguised as a lovable, unassuming llama. Featuring a hidden spray reservoir and pump-action trigger, this whimsical edition to elope's assortment boasts a surprising range that's both fun and functional.
The Spitting Llama met with a warm response from elope’s product development and retail partners at both the 2019 Halloween and Party Expo and Toy Fair New York.
"We're pleased with the excitement from our costume and gift shop buyers and our toy buyers," said Johnson.
The elope Original Spitting Llama Sprazy Toy Hat is unisized to fit most adults and kids ages three and up. This plush style features an interior secret pocket (which conceals the spray bulb) and size adjuster for smaller heads. With a suggested retail price of $30.95, the elope hat will be available online and through specialty toy, gift, and costume retailers in March of 2019. Other Sprazy styles are set to join the llama later this year in plenty of time for summer shenanigans.
For more information, visit
About elope Inc. In 1993, elope's founders created an enterprise dedicated to a vision of spreading happiness and infectious joy: everybody's laughing on planet earth (e.l.o.p.e). Over 20 years later, it’s that same delight in adventure, love of discovery, and passion for self-expression through creative costuming that inspires every product decision at elope. Our mission is to make everybody laugh on planet earth by creating the highest quality whimsical wearables, and providing fantastical service, while holding to the core values of socially responsible business. Our founders’ genuine dedication to increasing the world's happiness expresses itself in costume and cosplay fashion excellence. At elope, we’re not just in it for seasonal costumes on Halloween or other holidays, but we are committed to transforming the world with laughter and celebration 365 days of the year. We take pride in our commitment to helping the planet and people with responsibly sourced silly hats, funny costumes, and dress-up items as wearable art. We like to be inclusive by designing for men, women, children — everyone! Put simply, we take fun seriously. Keep on laughing! #laughwithelope
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