Darlington mayor's teddy bear sparks gender row after cuddly toy announces it is non-binary | Daily Mail Online

2022-05-27 23:32:24 By : Mr. Xiaoyong Wu

By Chris Matthews For Mailonline

Published: 14:51 EDT, 20 May 2022 | Updated: 06:37 EDT, 21 May 2022

A teddy bear has sparked a gender row after the cuddly toy came out as non-binary.

The soft toy known as Mayor-Bear remained in office after the departure of former Mayor of Darlington Cyndi Hughes earlier this month.

The teddy had a note attached explaining how it is non-binary and looks forward to welcoming children and attending teddy bears' picnics. 

But after an image was shared on social media, some slammed the bear describing it as 'creepy'. 

This is the cuddly toy bear that has sparked controversy after it came out as non-binary, creating a gender row online

Mayor-Bear's message read: 'Hi, my name is Mayor-Bear. I am a non-binary bear. Do you know what non-binary means? Some bears are boys and some bears are girls. I am non-binary, this means that I am neither a boy bear, nor a girl bear. I am just a bear'

Actor and political activist Laurence Fox, said: 'This need to stop. We should be protecting and guiding our children, not confusing and grooming them. 

'There are two sexes. Male and female. Don't let your kids go to a picnic with this creepy mayor bear.' 

Twitter user Marianne said it was 'sick' while another social media user, Jebb, added: 'Do children of a young age have to be confronted with such oddities?' 

Mayor-Bear's message read: 'Hi, my name is Mayor-Bear. I am a non-binary bear. Do you know what non-binary means? 

Actor and political activist Laurence Fox, said: 'This need to stop. We should be protecting and guiding our children, not confusing and grooming them. 'There are two sexes. Male and female. Don't let your kids go to a picnic with this creepy mayor bear'

'Some bears are boys and some bears are girls. I am non-binary, this means that I am neither a boy bear, nor a girl bear. I am just a bear. 

'I love my new home in the Mayor's Parlour. I look forward to welcoming children and attending Teddy Bears' Picnics for years to come. With love, Mayor-Bear xx.' 

However, other Twitter users didn't find the post as controversial as Laurence.  

TravellingMags, said: 'Do you realise that this is about a toy bear? Or is it that you want toy bears to have genitals?' 

The controversial cuddly toy remained in office after the departure of former Mayor of Darlington Cyndi Hughes earlier this month

Twitter user Russell said: 'If a bear is given to a child, it's sex is fluid up to the point where the child names it. It then becomes a male bear or a female bear. The child decides.  

Meanwhile, another supporter of the non-binary bear said: 'I spent a lot of time with children and young people and teddy bears' picnics and I thought it would be a nice thing for each Mayor to have. 

'Mayor-Bear is made from all-recycled materials and it's heralding the Platinum Jubilee so I thought it would be a reminder of my year. 

'I want Mayor-Bear to be able to get out there and enjoy the community, like I did.'

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