Clear Lake Man Charged With Soliciting a Child for Sex

2022-07-09 01:40:51 By : Ms. Charmy Yueng

ST. CLOUD -- A Clear Lake man faces felony charges of soliciting a child for sex after he allegedly got caught in an online sting by undercover police.

Twenty-three-year-old Matthew Wilson is charged with three felonies involving electronic communications and sexual conduct with a child.

According to the criminal complaint filed in Stearns County, an undercover officer with the Central Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force was posing as a 15-year-old girl when Wilson made contact.

The officer said the conversation switched to texting and quickly turned sexual.

Wilson is accused of describing sex acts to whom he thought was a 15-year-old girl, asking for pictures of her, and sending sexual pictures of himself.

Court records show Wilson asked for her address and set up a time to meet. Police say when Wilson showed up at the address they provided, he was arrested and his cell phone was seized.